+27 (0)60 506 4914 info@entrytime.com
+27 (0)60 506 4914 info@entrytime.com

Event Details

Sterkfontein 1500 Swim Saturday 22 February 2025
  • Swimmer Testimony:
  • Best kept Secret And Best Swim Ever.
  • Annual Swim On The Last Saturday In February
  • Distance & Entry Fee:
    Pre Entries (Closing 15 Feb 2025):
    3km Mixed - R297,00
    1.5km Ladies - R265,00
    1.5km Men - R265,00
    500m Fun Swim - R106,00
    Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve –Harrismith
    Start Time:
    3km Mixed - 08:30
    1.5km Ladies - 10:00
    1.5km Men - 11:00
    500m Fun Swim - 12:00
  • Prize giving will commence directly after the completion of the final race as advertised.
  • All prize winner must be at prize giving to receive full prize package, if not only medal will be issued, all other gifts and possible prize money will be forfeited.

    Entries On Race Day Fees:
    3Km                  R350.00
    1500m                                        R300.00
    Fun Swim (500m)                R110.00

  • Directions To Sterfontein Nature Reserve:
  • From JHB N3 to DBN, go around Harrismith, take Bethlehem off ramp, and Turn right, R74 to Bergville. (DBN alternative route).
  • From DBN to JHB, at Harrismith take Bethlehem off ramp, take R74 to Bergville. (DBN alternative route).
  • Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve is 20Km from Harrismith.
  • Route Information:
    Open Water Swim 
    General Information:
    Conditions And Rules Of Swim
    1. Entries will be accepted on the entry form, photocopy or on line entrytime.com
    2. The event takes place irrespective of weather conditions, Unless deemed unsafe by the organizers and safety officers on the day.
    3. If event is cancelled before swim day due to conditions beyond the control of the organizers the cancellation will be posted on the open water web site entrytime.com.
    4. No Refunds will be paid out in the event of a cancellation. Monies received will be used to cover costs incurred.
    5. It is the responsibility of the swimmer to ensure that he/she is medically fit to participate.
    6. Swimmers compete at their own risk.
    7. Swimmers will only be allowed to swim in the event determined by their age and gender.
    8. Swimmers may not receive assistance to enable them to complete the race.
    9. Swimmers must be able to finish the 500 m In 30 min, 1500m In 50min; 3Km in 1H30: the organizers have the right to and shall remove a swimmer from the water if deemed necessary.
    10. All swimmers are required to wear identity tags issued by the organizers, finishing without a tag will lead to disqualification.
    11. Only swimming goggles, nose clips and swim caps will be allowed as swimming aids – NO wet suits or ANY other aids (power bands)
    12. Swimmers not swimming the plotted course and or finish in the determined manner will be disqualified.
    13. Any swimmers who fail to abide by these rules and conditions will be disqualified
    14. Prize money: recipients must be present at prize giving for entitlement.
    15. Proof of entry (online) must be presented if not found on pre-entry list, failing to present, late entry fee will apply
    16. All participants approve the taking and use of any photographs for promotional and publishing material, the organizers will not reveal any swimmers’ personal details.
    17. Registration will close 30 min prior to each race time.
    18. FINA Swimwear rule applies on FINA events.
    19. Entrants will be responsible for entrytime.com’s admin charges.
    20. Right of admission reserved by the organisers.
    All Participants agree to and hereby bind themselves to the following indemnity:

    I have read the rules and conditions of the swim, I agree to them and also will not hold the organizers, nature reserve, sponsors or any person/s liable for personal or material injury / illness, loss or damage suffered by me/us or child of whom I am the parent/ guardian while at the event.

    No Refund claimed from the organizers if the swim is halted or does not take place due to unsafe situations

    Event Details
    Event Date:
    22nd Feb 2025
    Online Entry Start Date:
    20th Jan 2025
    Online Entry End Date:
    15th Feb 2025
    Free State
    Contact #:
    ./ carolinevorster20@gmail.com